A randomised controlled trial of
physiotherapy for functional motor disorder
Plain English summary of the trial results
Trial Publications
The main results of Physio4FMD (clinical outcomes)
Specialist physiotherapy for functional motor disorder in England and Scotland (Physio4FMD): a pragmatic, multicentre, phase 3 randomised controlled trial.
Lancet Neurology, 2024
Protocol paper:
Physio4FMD: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial of specialist physiotherapy for functional motor disorder.
BMC Neurology, 19, 242 (2019).
Analysis Plan paper:
COVID-19 and the Physio4FMD trial: Impact, mitigating strategies and analysis plans.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Volume 33, June 2023
Plain Language Summary and Information for Patients
Resources for Clinicians
Physio4FMD Workbook
The workbook guides the Physio4FMD intervention and is completed by both the patient and physiotherapist. The workbook is accompanied by an intervention manual for physiotherapists, and it is intended that the physiotherapists delivering the intervention should complete the training course, which is completed in-person over 5-days.
There are two versions available. Version 1 is the version used in the trial. Version 2 of the workbook was updated with minor changes, based on feedback from the physiotherapists who delivered the intervention in the randomised controlled trial.
Physio4FMD Treatment Manual
The Physio4FMD Intervention Manual was developed to accompany the in-person training for physiotherapists delivering the specialist physiotherapy intervention as part of the clinical trial.
Click here to download these trial materials (this link will take you to an external site hosted by St George's University of London)